Some are fictional characters:
- The main characters of The Riches - a family of grifters that's accustomed to living in an RV
- Various characters in reruns of Northern Exposure
- Luke Danes, the owner/operator of the diner in Gilmore Girls
- Jacob at the Early Retirement Extreme blog
- Homesteaders Matt and AJ of the Downshiftme podcast
- The families featured in the documentary Home Movie, notably the houseboat guy, jungle treehouse lady, and nuclear missile silo family
- The case studies in The Simple Living Guide
So far these thought exercises have helped me change my mind about some things that I used to consider necessary: a cellular phone, and living in an urban environment, for instance. They've also helped me figure out where my boundaries are. As frugal as it would be, I don't think I could handle living on a free Alaskan land grant that's only accessible by charter plane. I think it's safe to say Amanda would agree on that point.
I think eventually we'll end up in a lifestyle somewhere in between these sorts of extremes and a conventional American suburban standard of living. Looking at examples like these for inspiration is really helpful in figuring out exactly where our compromise lies.